Hi,I'm Murphy

👋 Hi Here! I'm Murphy. Nice to meet you. ❤

Hi, I'm Murphy, Learning and always learning
💫 I hope 'A Future Without Disappointment!'
🔬 I've get a bachelor's degree in Ocean University of China majoring in Communication Engineering
🔬 Now, I'm studying for a master's degree in Northwestern Polytechnical University
💻 I love Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
📚 I’m currently learning Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition for HSI
🌐 You can lean more about me from my Web Page: cosmicdusty
💬 Ask me anything about from Here
📫 How to reach me: cosmicdustycn@outlook.com

🔥 Languages & Frameworks & Tools & Abilities 🔥

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✨ Ideal ✨

To see life, to see the world;
to eyewitness great events;
to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud,
To see strange things - machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon;
to see man’s work - his paintings, towers and discoveries;
to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to;
the women that men love and many children;
to see and to take pleasure in seeing;
to see and be amazed;
to see and be instructed…

Hi,I'm Murphy